Final Federal Research Security Program Rules Released
On July 9th, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a memo to federal agencies that provides final standardized requirements for research security programs applicable to “covered institutions” that receive greater than $50 million dollars in federal R&D funding. Federal agencies have 6 months to submit plans to OSTP that reflect how each will update their guidance to include these new requirements. As part of this final standardized requirement, agencies are obligated to require covered institutions to certify that they maintain a research security program that includes cybersecurity, foreign travel security, research security training, and export control training.
Covered Institutions will have up to 18 months from the time that federal agencies finalize their updated guidance in which to implement a compliant research security program. The Office of Research Security and Trade Compliance will be developing Pitt’s research security program and will post final components of our new program to its website as milestones are met.