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Implementing Procedures

Drone operations that take place on University of Pittsburgh owned or leased property must adhere to current FAA guidance; any applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations; and University of Pittsburgh policies. The University of Pittsburgh Drones Policy requires that certain drone operations be conducted according to the flight-related procedures that are outlined below.

Contact the University of Pittsburgh’s Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance (ORSTC) for additional information about drone operations or the procedures associated with them.

Outdoor Directed Drone Flight Notification Process

Outdoor directed drone operations are drone flights conducted by University faculty members, students, and staff members and by Pitt-affiliated contractors for University-mandated purposes on University owned or leased property. A University-affiliated individual must notify the ORSTC of the flight at least 24 hours prior to flying. The ORSTC will refer flight notifications that involve a regional campus to officials at the relevant campus. Outdoor Drone Flight Notifications are NOT REQUIRED for purely recreational flights.

The notification process involves the following steps:

  • Step 1: A University-affiliated individual completes and submits the Outdoor Directed Drone Flight Notification Form.
  • Step 2: The ORSTC (or appropriate regional campus official) reviews the form and may respond back with additional questions/information about the planned flight if necessary. 
  • Step 3: The ORSTC (or appropriate regional campus official) informs the University of Pittsburgh Police Department, the appropriate Facilities Manager (if applicable), and any other relevant Pitt personnel of the directed flight.

The ORSTC must receive the Outdoor Directed Drone Flight Notification Form with as much notice as possible, but not less than 24 hours prior to the flight. 

Indoor Drone Flight Exception Request Process

Drone operations within University of Pittsburgh owned or leased facilities are prohibited unless the ORSTC explicitly approves the flight in writing. Any individual or third party that wishes to operate a drone within such a facility must submit a request to the ORSTC and receive formal written approval from the ORSTC before initiating the flight. A University-affiliated individual must submit the request at least five business days prior to the proposed flight. The ORSTC will coordinate the review of proposed indoor flights at regional campuses with officials at the relevant campus.

The request process involves the following steps:

  • Step 1: A University-affiliated individual completes and submits the Indoor Drone Flight Exception Request Form.
  • Step 2: The ORSTC (or appropriate regional campus official) reviews the request with the Senior Vice Chancellor of Business Operations and any other relevant University officials. If necessary, the ORSTC will request additional information after completing the initial review.
  • Step 3: The ORSTC (or appropriate regional campus official) notifies the requestor in writing of the final decision regarding the indoor flight request.
  • Step 4: If the indoor flight request is approved, the ORSTC (or appropriate regional campus official) informs the University of Pittsburgh Police Department, the appropriate Facilities Manager (if applicable), and any other relevant Pitt personnel of the flight.

The Indoor Drone Flight Exception Request Form must be completed and the proposed indoor flight approved in writing before the flight can proceed.

A third party that wishes to operate a drone inside a University of Pittsburgh owned or leased facility for any purpose must receive formal permission before flying indoors. The third party also will be required to sign a University-endorsed agreement as a condition for operating a drone within the facility. Please contact the ORSTC for more information on this subject.

Third Party (Non-University-Directed) Flights

Third parties that wish to operate a drone outdoors on University of Pittsburgh owned or leased property for research, educational, or commercial purposes, which are not mandated by the University (i.e., a University-directed flight), can do so only under an agreement approved by the University of Pittsburgh.

Third parties that wish to operate a drone outdoors on University of Pittsburgh owned or leased property for FAA-defined recreational purposes are not required to enter into a University-approved agreement or to notify the ORSTC of the prospective drone flight, but must follow all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and University of Pittsburgh policies.

A third party that wishes to operate a drone within a University owned or leased facility for any purpose must complete the Indoor Drone Flight Exception Request Process (see above).

Contact the ORSTC for additional information about third party, non-university-directed drone flights and the procedures associated with them.