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Policy and Scope

University Policy RI 13 (Drones) applies to drone operations on property that is owned or leased by the University of Pittsburgh on any campus by any person or organization, whether the operation takes place indoors or outdoors. The policy also applies to drone operations that are performed on behalf of the University of Pittsburgh and to the use of drones acquired with University resources.

The University of Pittsburgh’s Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance and Police Department implement the Drones Policy on behalf of the University. They may intervene or interrupt any unsafe, unlawful, or noncompliant drone operation within their jurisdiction or at the direction of any other law enforcement authority, whether or not the operation previously was reviewed and approved by the ORSTC.

The Drones Policy does not apply to drone operations by the University of Pittsburgh Police Department or other first responders when the operations are conducted in accordance with applicable law.

Drone Flight Types

Drone operations can be either University-directed or unaffiliated. University-directed fights are those conducted for a University-mandated purpose by a University of Pittsburgh faculty member, student, or staff member or by a Pitt-affiliated contractor.

Drones may be flown for commercial, educational, or hobby or recreational purposes provided that drone operators adhere to current FAA guidance for each purpose, as well as to any applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and University of Pittsburgh policies:

  • Commercial and Business Drone Flights (including contracted flights): Commercial and business drone flights are performed for non-recreational purposes, and include University-directed flights performed for promotional, athletic, or other business operations.
  • Educational and Research Drone Flights: Educational and research drone flights are performed by an accredited institution of higher education, such as the University of Pittsburgh, as a component of the institution’s curriculum or research, as outlined on the FAA website under Educational Users.
  • Recreational Drone Flights: Recreational drone flights are performed for FAA-defined recreational purposes, which are described on the FAA website under Recreational Flyers and Community-Based Organizations.

Contact the Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance for additional information about drone operations and the procedures associated with them.